
Hemp seeds 

Chia seeds  






Poppy seeds







  • Hemp seeds 
  • Pumpkin seeds 
  • Quinoa 
  • Buckwheat 
  • Hulled sesame seeds 
  • Natural sesame seeds 
  • Sunflower seeds 
  • Amaranth
  • Hemp seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Brown flaxseed  
  • Golden flaxseed 
  • Millet
  • Poppy seeds 
  • Quinoa
  • Hulled sesame seeds 
  • Sunflower seeds  
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Buckwheat
  • Hulled sesame seeds  
  • Sunflower seeds  
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Hulled sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds 
  • Hulled sesame seeds
  • Sunflower seeds  

Take advantage of the benefits of seeds and grains

FLANQUART invites you to take advantage of the benefits of seeds and grains.
Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created these concentrated sources of nutrients.

 The benefits of seeds and grains are linked to their primary funcLon, which is to perpetuate a plant species. They were created by Mother Nature to sustain life. Each seed contains everything a future plant needs to grow. It consLtutes a precious reserve, containing all the nutriLonal elements the new seedling requires. There are as many seeds or grains as there are plants, but not all of them are edible.

Seeds and grains contain protein, carbohydrates and good fats (omega 3,6,9). They are concentrates of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. They also supply fibre. In short, they contain everything our bodies need. Animals have always known this and have been eaLng them since the dawn of Lme. Humans have learned to select and grow them. The benefits of seeds and grains make them an invaluable supplement to other types of foods.

The varying benefits of seeds and grains depending on species

The benefits of seeds and grains differ according to species and variety. Oilseeds have a higher fat content. These include sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well as flaxseed. Some contain more carbohydrates, in the form of starch.

Buckwheat, for instance, falls into this category. Protein crops are disLnguished by their higher protein content. FLANQUART offers you the chance to benefit from this wealth of natural goodness. We offer a range of whole-seed, crushed and milled pulses: chickpeas, green lenLls, beluga lenLls, split peas, green peas, coral lenLls.

Soil and weather condiLons can also affect the nutriLonal composiLon of seeds and grains, modifying the benefits of seeds and grains accordingly. These are living products that depend on the natural environment. However, the overall distribuLon remains specific to a given variety. Thanks to their nutriLonal composiLon, some seeds and grains can have health benefits: source of omega 3, fibre, protein, etc. Don’t hesitate to ask our teams for advice on the best products for your needs.

Make the most of
the benefits of seeds and grains

The bio-assimilaLon of the benefits of seeds and grains varies. Some seeds or grains will have a shell of variable thickness and hardness, while others will be bare. To access all the beneficial properLes of seeds and grains, FLANQUART may have to rework them.

This may involve hulling, but also crushing. For alternaLve uses, grains and seeds can also be made into flour or flakes, or ground into a paste.

To perpetuate their species and protect the benefits of seeds and grains, the plant world employs a broad variety of strategies. So seeds and grains come in a mulLtude of shapes, sizes, colours, weights and densiLes. This diversity means you can create a wide range of recipes and products. Some of our seeds and grains are organically grown.