Home » Our range » Seeds and Grains Range » Nigella sativa
Form and particle size: Triangular, pyramid-shaped, 2 mm
Colour: Black
Flavour: Spicy, fresh, peppery, lemony
Calories*: 599 kcal
Protein*: 20 g
Fat*: 37 g
Fibre*: 6 g
- Natural
Sources: Outside EU
Packaging: Paper bags containing 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg and big-bags
* on average per 100 grams
Nigella sativa seeds

Nigella sativa seeds:
flavour and character
Nigella sativa seeds have a characteristic spicy flavour. Nigella sativa is also known as black seed, black cumin or black caraway. In North Africa, nigella sativa seeds are used in the traditional ras el hanout spice mix. Fresh and slightly lemony, a few nigella sativa seeds can be used to season an individual portion of mixed salad or marinated seafood. In pastry- making and baked goods, nigella sativa seeds can be used as a topping on pastries or on some speciality breads.
Nigella sativa seeds provide a distinctive visual effect on biscuits, dishes and breads and add unrivalled character.
Origins and cultivation
of nigella sativa seeds
Nigella sativa seeds are native to the Near East. Today, this small, black, pyramid-shaped seed is grown from the Mediterranean basin to Asia. The plant, with its graceful blue to pink flowers, produces capsule-form fruits containing the seeds.
Very early on, nigella sativa seeds were used for their medicinal virtues, particularly the antiseptic properties of the oil. From wreaths of flowers on Tutankhamun’s tomb, to Charlemagne’s laws governing its cultivation and Avicenna’s recommendations on its use, nigella sativa is associated with traditional medicine.
The virtues
of nigella sativa seeds
Nigella sativa seeds are high in mainly unsaturated fatty acids. Like most seeds, nigella sativa has a high antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content.
Nigella sativa seeds have health benefits thanks to the presence of thymoquinone. It is this active ingredient that gives nigella sativa seeds their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial and anticancer properties.
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